A20 Olinuxino Android - no HDMI output

Started by Bert, January 21, 2015, 10:21:17 AM

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I'm a little bit stuck. There's no signal at HDMI while in Android (however in Debian it works)
I suppose a "picture" exists on LCD connector (can't test it now thought) and booting everytime to 400*272 instead of 800*400.
I'm using A20_SD_4G_android_422_TS_USB_UART_I2C_WIFI_LAN_HDMI_LCD_1024x600_release_1.img

So my question is: how to switch video output to HDMI within Android?


im using same img and HDMI works fine, but want change resolution to 720P, and resize userdata partition for more apps any tuturial?


Also a question regarding Android installation


Do I really need PhoenixShuit for recording to SD card? Maybe just dd if=file.img of=/dev/sdb  ?


i`m using PhoenixSuit with my 16gb SDcard and debian from SATA HDD with another sd for boot


Ahh... A 800x480 android SD-image version works just fine.


cool , and now how to change resolution to 720 or 1080