Not booting with latest image ( 3.4.90+ release 10 )

Started by oskaratk, March 10, 2015, 07:10:03 PM

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I am having major trouble with this latest image

Newest official release (recommended):
Torrent of Debian release 10: A20-OLinuXino-MICRO Debian with kernel 3.4.90+ release 10

copy the img to the SD using win32diskimage, trying to boot - LED1 blinks ( kinda double blink) , no HDMI output

copy the image to the SD using dd on a Debain system, LED1 stays steady on - no HDMI output

trying to gparted is crashing gparted ..

using an older image, like this one a20_debian_kernel_3_4_LAN_USBx2_Cards_LCD_HDMI_SATA_TS_X_GPIO_OTG_MIC_release5.img

works as expected. gparted to resize the partition works as well.

I am very suspicious whether that image is broken

Any hints are highly welcome



I just used a release 8 image to create the SD . All fine.

Somehow the image downloaded via the torrent ( twice) is broken.

Anyone having a release 10 image and is willing to share ?



A request for Olimex to also publish the md5 checksums for the images, this would make it much more easy to check if they are not corrupted in any way, also to prevent against people who want to add a virus or something else bad.


Try to re-download the rel.10 image.
It did the trick for me.
Also make sure that DHT is on on your torrent client.
I am still seeding the rel.10 image that has worked for me.


Quote from: rouvas on March 11, 2015, 12:50:08 AM
Try to re-download the rel.10 image.
It did the trick for me.
Also make sure that DHT is on on your torrent client.
I am still seeding the rel.10 image that has worked for me.

I dowonloaded at least 3 times. 2x using yTorrent, 2 times qBitorrent.
Till now results are the same .. not booting

check your PM, pls



I went back and forth using different packers, check MD5 .. all seems fine

In the moment I am back to an older image - I cannot further delay having a working system :-(


well, finally I got it to work.

not sure which step made the difference, but this is what I did:

- use a different machine to burn the image to the SD. This machine had win7, the other one was win8
  (I used win32diskimager in all cases)
- log in via debug console and changed the video setting to HDMI, 720p, 60Hz

my gut feeling is that this new images is using different video settings than the older ones, actually changing the video during booting. The screen was not blank all the time .. during the initial boot process there was output - then went black

still having issues resizing the SD, gparted crashes "bug in gparted found". with an older image on the SD, gparted works. Greetings to Murphy ...

Anyways, 1 step further I guess

+ thanks everybody who was helping