EKG / EMG Shield port to .Net Micro Framework

Started by SLRBatman, April 30, 2015, 09:15:52 PM

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Disclaimer: This is my first post to this forum so if I violate any local customs, please forgive my mistake due to ignorance as a newbie. 

I have recently purchased the EKG/EMG shield and am about to start working with it.  I have a GHI Cerbuino Bee Board (built in Arduino and XBee sockets) running .Net Micro Framework 4.3.  Was curious if anyone within this community has any experience porting one of these boards to be compatible with .Net MF and C#?  IF not, any advice on how to begin would be very much appreciated.  I am working on a prototype for a medical device tower housing multiple diagnostic devices and this seems to be my best option for EKG/EMG.  These devices all interface back to a neural network and some custom software through a XBee mesh.

Thank you in advance for any help available.