A20-OLinuXino-MICRO-4GB + LCD-OLinuXino-7TS + Android

Started by gv, June 09, 2015, 07:41:24 PM

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I'm trying to touch working properly, but I can not.
I'm using an image of the original android, I've tried changing the ctp_para and rtp_para parameters, but without success.

Can anyone help me?


Are you sure that the image you used has the RTP driver?

Where did you get the image from?

Unless you build your own Android from the source, you won't get any luck changing the FEX settings. Many have tried this and failed.

Are you able to build your own image? It's worth the effort if you really want to use Android on the A20.


I added these lines in the configuration file:

rtp_used = 1
rtp_screen_size = 7
rtp_regidity_level = 7
rtp_press_threshold_enable = 0
rtp_press_threshold = 0x1f40
rtp_sensitive_level = 0xf
rtp_exchange_x_y_flag = 0

But don't work.
I downloaded the source code, and I could compile my own image.
But I do not know if the RTP driver is there, how and where can I check this?


Check in the modules directory and you also have to make sure that it is in the init.rc too.

There is some stuff on my blog about it. It may help you to check what you need.
