A20-normal standby boot issue

Started by hannan.khan, August 24, 2015, 12:05:51 PM

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i have a small problem when booting the olimex, when i hard power-off the board i get stuck on boot
Quote8/24/2015 12:52:29.165 [RX] - <NUL>HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!<CR><LF>
boot0 version : 2.0.0<SOH>˜<STX><CR><LF>
read dram para.<CR><LF>
dram driver version: 1.15<CR><LF>
dram size =1024MB<CR><LF>

after a couple of retrys it starts
QuoteHELLO! BOOT0 is starting!<CR><LF>
boot0 version : 2.0.0<SOH>˜<STX><CR><LF>
read dram para.<CR><LF>
dram driver version: 1.15<CR><LF>
dram size =1024MB<CR><LF>
super_standby_flag = 0<CR><LF>
Succeed in opening nand flash.<CR><LF>
...and it continues

the behavior is random

my guess is that super_standby_flag is set to 1 and that is why the dram goes to self-refresh state.
i have located the dram.c file to

now can any1 help me in how to change it so that the boot does not get stuck every 2 outta 3 times....

my fex has superstandby set to 0