Are they dead jim? (2 unopened A20Lime2-4GB not starting up)

Started by mvniekerk, September 30, 2015, 09:30:42 AM

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Attached both of my A20Lime2-4GB's to a USB cable - no lights, nothing. Pressed the [power,reset,recovery] button - nothing.
Plugged a 5V into both, no lights, nothing. Pressed the [power,reset,recovery] button, nothing.

Am I doing it wrong, or are they faulty? Do they need an image? They're not enumerating on the USB host also.


Are the power LEDs suppose to fire up with a out-of-factory-stock-standard unit? Are the released with firmware?


Quote from: mvniekerk on September 30, 2015, 01:34:12 PM
Are the power LEDs suppose to fire up with a out-of-factory-stock-standard unit? Are the released with firmware?
Yes. It is realised hw. If you do not see red LED near powerjack you have no power or you have bad power source (low current, low voltage)


Which USB port did you use?
I observed that the mini-USB OTG port is sufficient to power A20 Lime2 board from the PC computer USB port, even in absence of the power supply. And the red diode near the 5V power socket is powered directly from this 5V power line, so it should glow no matter what happens.
I need to warn you that connecting power or battery with reverse polarity will blow AXP209 power regulator, which is not protected by the diode, like the rest of the board. But even in this extreme case this LED still glowed.
Yes, you need microSD cat. 10 card with the Linux or Android image. After inserting the card power the board and wait a minute or two for the Android to start. Linux Debian Wheezy starts much faster.
I suggest connecting the A20 to the Full HD TV via HDMI, computer monitors are often incompatible.


I've used the mini-USB OTG and a 5V DC (2.5A max) power source. In both cases on both boards no lights lighted up.

Thanks for the response. Is there any way to troubleshoot these units or should I send them back?


Quote from: mvniekerk on September 30, 2015, 11:51:31 PM
I've used the mini-USB OTG and a 5V DC (2.5A max) power source. In both cases on both boards no lights lighted up.

Thanks for the response. Is there any way to troubleshoot these units or should I send them back?

The red power led is not connected to the mini USB so that will never light up, and it is not recommended to power the board through the mini USB use the power connector and a decent power supply