SSH access to A20 under Mac OS X

Started by phae, January 28, 2016, 07:29:30 AM

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I have three A20-LIME which all have the latest Debian, and used to work very well before. I used to access them remotely connecting them with a USB-mini cable and through SSH or TightVNC (under windows).
But now I'm abroad (in Mexico) with only a Macbook Pro to work with them, and I can't access to them, not with "ssh olimex@" nor with the "Screen share"'s Mac OS X native app.

I won't have an HDMI screen to work on them directly until a week or more, and so I wonder if there are drivers for Mac OS X or firewall to deactivate or some trick that would explain that I can access them via USB-OTG and ssh...
Even a "ping" I get "Request timeout..."

(using OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, and not familiar with Mac world...).
I'm pretty sure that the vnc/ssh server are working, and it's the same with all three boards.
They're plugged with usb cable and powered with fully charged 6600mAh LIPO-batteries.

Any idea would be very appreciated !

Thanks for reading anyway




It is a probably wrongfully configured environment - for instructions search for "usb tethering mac os x" and "usb ssh mac os x".

There might be some problem in your /etc/network/interfaces - for example, if the DHCP is disabled there.

If you have no way to check /etc/network/interfaces - then the easiest way to connect to the board would be getting some SERIAL<->USB cable with free leads/wires at the serial side.

Refer to this posts:

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


What is your network interface? WiFi?

If so, were the boards connecting to your (home/office) router?

Well... where is that router now?  Missing.  Where are the boards connecting?  Are they connecting at all?  To what address?




Thanks for your answers.

@JohnS : yes, I have used the WiFi (WIFI-MOD) and accessing the 3 boards all connected to a single WiFi router. That's what I plan to do, but I won't use the same router so, for now, the boards do not have the WiFi ssid/password in their config.

For now, my main problem is to access the boards (console or VNC desktop) and be able to config them properly.

But as I said, I can't ssh nor vnc them with my Macbook Pro, using the USB cable (said "usb on-the-go").

I found some BeagleBoneBoards ressources that said to install "HoRNDIS" and "FTDI_Ser" drivers, in order to get a RNDIS/Ethernet gadget appear in the Network setup panel of Mac OS X. But this doesn't show up...

However in the "system infos" report, when I plug the LIME board via USB, I can find under the USB 3.0 Bus a "RNDIS/Ethernet Gadget" that appears, with following details (in french sorry) :

RNDIS/Ethernet Gadget :

  Identifiant du produit :   0xa4a2
  Identifiant du fournisseur :   0x0525  (PLX Technology, Inc.)
  Version :   3.33
  Vitesse :   Jusqu'à 12 Mb/s
  Fabricant :   Linux 3.4.90+ with sw_usb_udc
  Identifiant de l'emplacement :   0x14200000 / 3
  Courant disponible (mA) :   500
  Courant requis (mA) :   2

Any idea ?




I think I addressed your problem with being abroad i.e. not the same router.

No idea about MacOS.  What you want is the kind of thing I do with Linux.



Sorry, I'm french and so english is not my mother tongue so I might misunderstand some of your words.

My problem is more that I changed from a MS Windows laptop to a Macbook running OS X 10.10.5 Yosemite and cannot ssh nor vnc anymore none of the 3 boards I have.
So I guess this is more about making OS X recognize the board as a network device...




Quote from: phae on January 28, 2016, 09:32:09 PM
Sorry, I'm french and so english is not my mother tongue so I might misunderstand some of your words.

My problem is more that I changed from a MS Windows laptop to a Macbook running OS X 10.10.5 Yosemite and cannot ssh nor vnc anymore none of the 3 boards I have.
So I guess this is more about making OS X recognize the board as a network device...


I've had some problems with DHCP on the USB-OTG RNDIS network device. Sometimes my computer has been unable to get an IP address from the board. Try setting an IP address on you Mac manually (for example, IP, netmask