New kernel.

Started by fushfush, June 17, 2016, 01:56:25 PM

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Can someone explain this to me; why do the official debian image use the 3.14 kernel??
why is the image stuck where?

Is it possible to upgrade to the 4.6.2 or maybe 4.7-rc3 ? Or some RT-kernel? And how?

I'm familiar to handle kernel upgrades/tweaks on x86, but on arm i'm lost



You can check at
There are some Legacy kernel but also some Vanilla/Mainline.
Of course, depending of your requirements, going to Mainline could sometime lead to some lack of features if those aren't ported yet.


Quote from: martinayotte on June 17, 2016, 05:05:36 PM
You can check at
There are some Legacy kernel but also some Vanilla/Mainline.
Of course, depending of your requirements, going to Mainline could sometime lead to some lack of features if those aren't ported yet.

So as i can understand, we only stay because of some ported features? Does anybody now the difference between the standard/mainline kernel (Which support ARM)and the one we use?


I just rebuilt all images for Lime 2. They all boot & I did quick test for few basic things.

Xenial / Jessie, desktop / CLI, 3.4.112 and 4.6.2
linux for ARM development boards