CSS Animation Performance on A20-SOM

Started by hunterhu, September 09, 2016, 04:35:29 AM

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We are using node webkit to provide user interface,  however we are observing that with CSS animation, such as pulsating a touch on the screen, takes almost 100% of a CPU core.  A20 SOM board does have Mali400 MP GPU available, with node webkit running with --use-gl=egl, this is what the chrome://gpu reported:

Graphics Feature Status:
Canvas: Software only; accelerated 2d canvas is unstable in Linux at the moment (2015)
Flash: Hardware Accelerated
Flash Stage3D: Software only
Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Software only
Compositing: Hardware Accelerated
Multiple Raster Threads: Disabled
Rasterization: Software only
Threaded Rasterization: Enabled
Video Decode: Software only
Video Encode: Hardware Accelerated
WebGL: Hardware Accelerated

So which GPU feature is CSS animation suppose to utilize out of the list?  Why not Mali400 GPU is helping in CSS animation?

Thanks in advance for your answers and comments,


It's a good question but maybe no-one here will know or have the time to answer?  It looks a Linux (well, Linux subsystem) question so I'm guessing there would be better places to ask (not sure where).

I suppose you could read the code but there's a lot!

Also, there are several images (of Linux e.g. 3.x and 4.x kernels and some of Android) so how about seeing if any is better at CSS and looking at what changed?  It's possible you need non-free things (blobs etc) so a vendor Android might reveal the answer.  Lots of tablets use the A20 so one of those might even reveal this.
