I can no more enter with user different from root

Started by giorgio323, January 09, 2013, 11:40:28 PM

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hallo from Giorgio Italy,

I have a Olinuxino_WIFI. I got it with prebuild SD card. It run perfectly with Linux.
Step by step I installed what I need and started to code.

After some time the SD card was full. I replaced it with a 4GB card. I partitioned it. Set U_Boot etc in its first part and copied data from old card to the new one. All fine. It works.
Now I need to create another back-up card. I did the same operation with a 8GB card.

All is fine if I login as root.
If I try to login as a different user the screen after a while return on login screen.

I checked that:
- the user is still present in the list (cat /etc/passwd);
- the user data (home directory and so) are still in place. The data are still ok.
- I set a new user. It appear in the list but I can not login.
- I noted that the owner of the user home directory was changed (I think becouse of the copy of   the SD card on the hard disk as root) to root. I set it again to 'g' ('g' is the user name) with chown g /home/g.
- I can't see any error message using the serial card on UEXT connector. Here below the msgs

[ 3157.050000] rtl8192c_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(): Mode = 0, SmartPS = 0
rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(): RF_Save
[ 3157.730000] rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(): RF_Save
CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed
[ 3157.750000] CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed
rtw_set_ps_mode(): Enter 802.11 power save mode...
[ 3159.730000] rtw_set_ps_mode(): Enter 802.11 power save mode...
rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(): RF_Normal
[ 3159.740000] rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(): RF_Normal
rtl8192c_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(): Mode = 1, SmartPS = 2
[ 3159.740000] rtl8192c_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(): Mode = 1, SmartPS = 2
CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed
[ 3159.750000] CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed
CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed
[ 3161.730000] CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed
CheckPbcGPIO - PBC is pressed

I suppose that some file changed owner and the correct access permission. But I have no experience.

Any idea, suggestion?

Thank you in advance


I add some info:

starting X from teminal I found an error accessing tty0.
changed the access right on tty*
now the error is "cannot access virtual console 3"
changed also the access rigth on vcs*
I still have the error "cannot access virtual console 3"
