LCD monitor support

Started by stokes, January 31, 2019, 12:57:41 PM

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Hello I have 17in LVDS LCD monitor, wondering if my Olinuxino A13 board will support it?  My monitor has 30-pin 1mm-spacing connector, I believe it has UJU IS100-L30O-C23 connector. 

I would be nice if there is an adapter from the 40-pin connector on the board to 30-pin LVDS. I prefer not to make my own cable. Do I also need a baseboard or translator board? Thanks.


Honestly it would be a tough job. A13 chip has no LVDS support, so you would most definitely would need converter board. This was mentioned here:

Furthermore, I am not sure if the A13 would be powerful enough to provide fluent video output over 17 inch LVDS LCD.

For the A13 I would recommend simple RGB displays as the ones we manufacture (or RGB monitors up to 1024x768 resolution), these are also open source hardware and can be studied. For example:

Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thank you LubOlimex, I will look at convertor boards and assess the cost of various solutions. Does Olimex sell the convertor boards without the LCD screens? The selection of screens is too small for me.