kernel compiling error

Started by drspastic, February 09, 2013, 12:35:59 AM

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hi, im compiling debian kernel but get errors

any advice?    ::)


Quote from: drspastic on February 09, 2013, 12:35:59 AM
hi, im compiling debian kernel but get errors

any advice?    ::)

Are you using the default config file? Also, is this happening when you build the uImage, or the modules?


i went through the steps in the wiki guide, selected the modules i thought i needed via the menus then did make.
i think i should have pastied the whole console but its too late.


Quote from: drspastic on February 09, 2013, 04:19:28 PM
i went through the steps in the wiki guide, selected the modules i thought i needed via the menus then did make.
i think i should have pastied the whole console but its too late.

Start with a known good config file (mine) and then add from there. Some modules break things, and some things that break as modules are fine if compiled in-kernel. The joys of experimentation.