I want to use AVR-ISP500-TINY in Mass Storage Mode for Programming ATTINY13A

Started by vedang, November 29, 2021, 08:36:30 AM

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I want to use AVR-ISP500-TINY in Mass Storage Mode for Programming ATTINY13A but I can't find attiny13.apd file on the website.
Can I use attiny11.apd/attiny12.apd file for programming ATTINY13A ?


> Can I use attiny11.apd/attiny12.apd file for programming ATTINY13A ?

You can try but I believe the software first checks for chip ID and using apd for different chip should not work at all. Hope I am wrong.

>  I can't find attiny13.apd file on the website.

We don't have it and we have trouble creating it.

We run in house export script that converts the data from the xml base (xml taken from AVR Studio 4 folder "\AVR Tools\Partdescriptionfiles") to the apd base. Unfortunately, when I run the script for ATiny13.xml and ATtiny13A.xml it results in an error. I have no idea if the problem is in the script or in the specific xmls.

The script was written very long time ago by an employee that had left long time ago and I am not sure if anyone here can pick it up. I add everything that we have here in an archive, you can download it from here:


The ATtiny13 xmls are in one of the sub-folders. To try to export navigate to exe folder via cmd and run:

genpartdescr.exe permissive 111 333

Hopefully the sources would help you.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Hi, I have a similar question for a different chip: atmega324pb. I wanted to try the generator script, but the link doesn't work anymore.


Looking at xml files in AVR Studio there is no entry for 324PD. If there is no corresponding xml, the convertor will do nothing. Refer to this picture:

But you don't need to use the apd files to record firmware on the AVR-ISP500-ISO for later usage via single button press. You can use "logging mode" it will store all commands and firmware that you have performed.

How to store firmware with Microchip Studio for example (it is similar for other tools):

1. You prepare the binaries you want to download later (.hex, .eep, .elf). Try it a few times programming via ISP (regular programming). Then navigate to the production file page in the programming interface of the Studio, try a few times to program the elf to be sure it is this elf you want to store in the AVR-ISP500-ISO's memory. Once you are certain the elf is fine:

2. Put the AVR-ISP500-ISO in log state - press and hold the button for 5 seconds (until LED changes color).

3. In Microchip Studio program the target with the elf (or program with the hex via the memories program). This will store the elf (.hex, .eep, .elf) to the AVR-ISP500-ISO. After programming is done remember to press the button of AVR-ISP500-ISO again - this will exit log state.

4. Now you can program targets with the logged elf (.hex, .eep). Just connect a new target, press the button quickly and it will program the target (when programming the target don't hold the button for 5 seconds or more this will enter log state again).
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex