A20-Micro-16G rev M, 10CTS rev B - strange behavior of screen

Started by WF, March 11, 2022, 01:57:20 PM

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Hi, I managed to run 10CTS rev B on A20 Micro Rev M and everything works except touchscreen. I can use touchscreen only for a moment just after start of the system. If I open any app e.g. browser or toucscreen calibration screen is flickering and touch is stopping work anymore. I have to restart system.

Link to movie: https://newamsterdam-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/devrepo_newamsterd_am/Ed31erHM1UNCjQsP682y_vwB5Kovh5zhXJUI3IaaENYigQ?e=WYxM6q

I checked all drivers - screen is setup correctly, I2c is setup corrrectly. I think it could be a power issue? I use 12V 3A power supply for board and 5V 1A power supply for screen.

All files: https://newamsterdam-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/devrepo_newamsterd_am/EnGUFqFKHwlJqtF4wRob4PQBMPMYVy2bAgL67WdCv2guKA?e=2DR5wM

I don't know if I should make any changes to jumpers on screen board? If yes how?



We are not aware of such an issue and it isn't something typical. We have to investigate and test. Can you confirm few things and give me more information about others, so I can test the same setup here:

1. What is the software that you use? It appears to be Olimage, but can you confirm if it is the latest one from here:


2. Did you run olimage-display configuration script? Which entry did you select there?

3. Can you try if the issue persists without powering the LCD driver from 5V source and report me back the results. Just power the LCD from the A20 board.

4. Can you send me command prompt logs of boot process and tests when this issue occurs? Make sure it is full log from power up since some configuration information is printed at start.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


1. I used the latest image: A20-OLinuXino-bullseye-base-20211223-102355
2. I ran olinuxino-display and I chose 10CTS.
3. OK, I will check
4. OK.


3. It's exactly the same. It's even worse. Look at this picture: https://newamsterdam-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/devrepo_newamsterd_am/EWWYqUWcqodBiJlx7y7yqs8B0PJYNDR3NPxGmxARH_ofOw?e=c55C0W

Maybe the screen is broken? The ghost image is persist now - even durign restart and i see it on restarted system, strange.

Look at pictures in folder "Restart".

4. Where boot logs are located?



OK, it definately a screen issue. I connected to another board (it doesn't have digital interface for touchscreen but display works). Ghost image persists. (probably because I forgot to disconnect power supply from driver). I suppose that means that "ghost" is a driver/screen problem not the sysem or bard.


Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex