Serial Monitor with ESP32-S2-DevKit-Lipo-USB

Started by dwd, May 16, 2024, 08:25:46 PM

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I suspect this is a silly question, but I cannot get the Serial Monitor to work with this board. I can put it into boot-loader mode and upload a sketch, then RST and run it. However, when I RST the board so it runs, the Arduino IDE (Version 2.3.2) loses contact with the board and so cannot display anything.

What am I missing?

Minimal code to reproduce:
#define PERIOD  1000  //ms

void setup()

void loop ()
  Serial.println("Hello World!");
  delay (PERIOD);


The board doesn't use USB-serial convertor, it uses the native USB of the ESP32-S2 chip.

You'd probably need to figure out which serial to use and have USB CDC on boot option selected.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Your code works fine here:

These are the settings I use:

I use latest developer Arduino for ESP32. 3.0.0-rc3
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Thanks for the suggestions. Installing "developer Arduino for ESP32. 3.0.0-rc3" helped a little, as the "USB CDC on boot" option now appears (and is enabled).

Unfortunately, I still see the problem. In boot-loader mode, I see two ports (COM3 & COM4 - COM3 looks like the one that works), and I can upload a sketch. However, when I reset to run mode, the ports disappear, and so the serial monitor does not work. "Not connected. Select a board and a port to connect automatically." But, the Port menu option is disabled (grey).

I have tried 2 boards, different cables and different USB sockets  :) I guess there is some other magic missing!


There should be COM port after the reset, that is the whole point of USB CDC on boot. I see it listed as COM after reset. If settings are set as I've set them here, then probably something didn't update properly.

Try restarting the Arduino IDE. Maybe try another USB port and also try using the generic board entry instead of the Olimex one, it is called "ESP32S2 dev module". Then set like this:
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


It is working now. Swapping to "ESP32S2 dev module" is what was needed. Very strange. Are there likely to be any other problems with using this generic board rather than the specific board?


It is completely fine to use the generic one.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex