Esp32c3-devkit-lipo with battery

Started by sa1003, May 26, 2024, 11:44:21 PM

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Hello, First sorry for my unprofessional question - absolute newbie ;)

I want to operate the board with a 2000mAh LiPo battery. I measured correct 4.2V with the multimeter. When i disconnect the usb, there's no power. How can i ensure, hat the battery takes over?

Greetz, Guido


You can empirically confirm it is working. There are two ways:

1. Easier software but requires some additional hardware - Connect a LED with resistor between a free GPIO and GND, then download code for blinking LED to that GPIO. You can use breadboard and jumper wires.

2. Harder software but doesn't require anything additional - Without anything additional download some WIFI code that allows you to access or ping the board over the WIFI network. Like WIFI server. First confirm it is working over the USB. Then remove the USB and from another device in the same network confirm the connection (or even via the router's panel confirm the IP address associated with the board is still there).
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Sorry, maybe Not written clearly. the Batterie doesn't take over-tested with the led and BT-Connection


Did you check the polarity? One of the common mistakes is using an incompatible with the board battery (with reversed + and - on the connector)? "-" and "+" pins are marked below the connector on the top side.

If you've connected battery with reverse polarity it might have damaged the battery circuit.

Edit: I also checked the manufacturing procedures, there is empirical battery test that each board has to pass.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


That's it! Reverse polarity. I relied on the colors of the cables... Thank you