esp32-poe no lnk1 led - no ethernet

Started by jwbarnard, February 12, 2025, 07:03:16 PM

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I bought two esp32-poe-iso boards and they both have the same symptoms.  the lnk and act leds never light up.  I have tried two different, known good cables, two different ports, one on the router and one on the switch and cannot get an ethernet connection.  What am I missing?


Each ESP32-POE-ISO board is tested empirically with Ethernet after manufacturing. It is probably a software issue. You need to download Ethernet code to the board. What software did you download?

Test with the simplest Ethernet demo code from the espressif package for Arduino IDE. Check if the Ethernet works, please test the non-working board and a working one with the example from File -> Examples -> Ethernet -> ETH_LAN8720 and make sure to select Olimex ESP32-POE board from "Tools->Board".

Check on how to install the ESP32 support for Arduino IDE here:
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