Please help me in cross compiling the R17 image

Started by khamar24, February 28, 2013, 08:53:20 AM

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Dear all,

          Please help me in cross compiling the R17 image. need steps for cross compile using ubuntu 12.04


what do you mean with cross-compiling R17 image ?

R17 is a ready-built image... so you just have to place it on a sd-card (using "dd" on linux) and boot...

preparing your own "distro" (kernel, root-fs etc) it's more complicated... and longer.

   best regards



Quote from: khamar24 on February 28, 2013, 08:53:20 AM
Dear all,

          Please help me in cross compiling the R17 image. need steps for cross compile using ubuntu 12.04

Please provide more detail about what exactly you are wanting to do.


I just wanted to download some kernel and need to cross compile for A13-OLinuXino. So, i need some details regarding that...


you can grab the config file from the running kernel on your board
zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
R17 is version 3.4.29, I presume it is from the 3.4 linux-sunxi branch on github, though it may be patched.
Set up your toolchain and try. Eventually you can compile natively on the board (takes some hours...)
There are tons of tutorials, follow the links on olimex product page of your board.

Out of curiosity: why do you need to get your own kernel?


Quote from: mab on March 04, 2013, 09:49:57 AM
you can grab the config file from the running kernel on your board
zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
R17 is version 3.4.29, I presume it is from the 3.4 linux-sunxi branch on github, though it may be patched.
Set up your toolchain and try. Eventually you can compile natively on the board (takes some hours...)
There are tons of tutorials, follow the links on olimex product page of your board.

Out of curiosity: why do you need to get your own kernel?

Or better yet, just use the .config file that's in the "kernel" directory on the image. :) Included for a reason.

There are a couple of patches to get i2c to work, but other than that, pretty stock.

Quote from: khamar24 on March 04, 2013, 08:41:32 AM
I just wanted to download some kernel and need to cross compile for A13-OLinuXino. So, i need some details regarding that...

There are quite a few guides for setting up a card from scratch, which include information for both building the kernel via cross-compiling, and extracting a rootfs to the card. Have you looked at them? If so, what is unclear?


Dear jwischka,

    Where can i get the information regarding, few guides for setting up a card from scratch, which include information for both building the kernel via cross-compiling, and extracting a rootfs to the card


you can read our blog and our wiki as these instructions are there
also have plenty of materials and up to date info for the kernel and uboot


Quote from: khamar24 on March 06, 2013, 06:42:01 AM
Dear jwischka,

    Where can i get the information regarding, few guides for setting up a card from scratch, which include information for both building the kernel via cross-compiling, and extracting a rootfs to the card

^^^ what he said. Or