
< IMX233
Revision as of 11:24, 6 May 2013 by Xxcn (talk | contribs) (U-Boot enabled install)

ArchLinuxARM on iMX233-OLinuXino

This page explains the ways to install ArchLinuxARM (alarm for short) on iMX233-OLinuXino boards. Instructions should work on all 3 variants: maxi, mini and micro.

The official image

The easiest way to install alarm: just follow the official instructions. The image is pre-partitioned and has everything in place. It uses bootlets, so any time the kernel cmdline or DT binary need to be changed the bootstream needs to be rebuilt and reflashed.

When upgrading the kernel or installing a custom kernel package it is essential that you hit "y" when asked "Do you want the new kernel flashed onto mmcblk0p1? [y|N]". If not, the bootstream containing the new kernel will not be used after a reboot, with its modules already uninstalled.

U-Boot makes the board much more hacker-friendly.

U-Boot install

This will hopefully soon become the official installation method, but it requires a few advanced steps at this point.

Partition the SD card

Achieve the following partition layout:

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdd1            2048        6143        2048   53  OnTrack DM6 Aux3
/dev/sdd2            6144     3842047     1917952   83  Linux

The first partition is of the special 0x53 type, used by the processor to boot. It will contain the bootloader and its environment.

The second is your root partition. You may create additional ones if you like.

Install the bootloader

Either find a prebuilt file to flash, or follow the instructions here to build one.

Write it to the first partition at 2 kb offset:

dd of=/dev/yourfirstpartition bs=512 seek=4

Install the root filesystem

Generate a custom filesystem