Olimex pinout text inaccurate/incomplete if you're using ethernet ESP32-POE?

Started by espethuser, November 14, 2020, 04:29:21 PM

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I'm using ESP32-POE with Esphome. I've found that if I use ethernet, the two relays I have connected to GPIO0 and GPIO1 do not work at all. One of the relays, the one connected to GPIO1, is stuck on 'on' because the pin is constantly HIGH.

If I use WiFi, GPIO0 starts responding as it should, and works perfectly - but GPIO1 is still HIGH.

This isn't what the pinout says, is it??



Just tried with pins 4 & 5 on WiFi and it works as it should have worked with pins 0 & 1. Now to test with ethernet because it's for ethernet use that I bought this board! Cheers


Thanks to the Discord support I've been shown pins 0, 1, 4, 5 & 16 are connected to an EMAC tagged function which is (I now see) an ethernet related function. Just wish the pinout text acknowledges some of us bought the ESP32-POE specifically in order to use its ethernet PHY

Can anyone confirm that means, contrary to the text on the pinout I actually have at my disposal, not using the SD card:

pins 2, 3, 39, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 15, 14, 13 ?

I wasn't sure about 39 because it doesn't say it's free to use if you're NOT using ex power voltage supply.

Oh, and I had been hoping to use a DFPlayer Mini with the ESP32-POE (connects using serial RX,TX) - am I right in thinking I can't do this when using ethernet because the UART TX is on GPIO1 same as EMAC_TX_CLK ?



Just thought I'd say I avoided any of the EMAC pins and I have successfully deployed an ESP32-POE project into the field. It's powered by PoE and it communicates over ethernet. It is successfully talking to Home Assistant via the API, it's subscribed to an MQTT broker, it controls two relays and has two push buttons. Very simple but was so easy once I knew which pins were mine to use with EspHome. Thank you all!


Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


I'm really confused. Occasionally the ESP32-POE mixes up the two buttons connected to it - I'm using the internal pull ups and in all my dabbling with arduinos and so on over the years I've never come across this particular oddity...


I suspect there is more to that. Probably there is some multiplexing on the pins you used for the buttons, or relay switching affects them or some other hardware connection thing like that.

Which GPIOs do you use for your buttons?

What happens if you use external pull ups?

Does this thing happen if you use the on-board button BUT1?
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Quote from: danski on November 15, 2020, 02:19:20 PMCan anyone confirm that means, contrary to the text on the pinout I actually have at my disposal, not using the SD card:

pins 2, 3, 39, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 15, 14, 13 ?

@lubolimex I think I possibly have my answer to the oddness. I've been using pin 34 which I've just seen on the pinout is "used". Would that explain why the pin sometimes responds and sometimes doesn't when configured as a button?

I would REALLY appreciate a list of pins that are free to use when using ethernet with the ESP32-POE if possible? An authoritative list would be awesome. Thank you in advance!!


@LubOlimex can you please answer danski's request? The pinout is confusing for the ESP32-POE boards (I am using the ESP32-POE-ISO). Which pins are really free when using Ethernet?

Quote from: danski on December 17, 2020, 05:37:00 PMI would REALLY appreciate a list of pins that are free to use when using ethernet with the ESP32-POE if possible? An authoritative list would be awesome. Thank you in advance!!


Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Quote from: LubOlimex on June 02, 2021, 08:21:48 AMHave you seen this one for ESP32-POE-ISO:


Make sure to consider the notes around the picture.

Yes, I have but there are no explicit notes for the EMAC tagged pins. The ones that are labeled as SD card connector pins are explicitly described in the notes as "free if SD card is not used". Is it the same for the EMAC pins? are they free only when Ethernet is not used?
I may be overthinking it, sorry for that, but it would be great to add a side note for the EMAC labels.


No need to worry about that - the Ethernet-related pins are not led out to the extension connector. They go directly from the ESP32 chip to the Ethernet chip. You can't access them easily.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex


Quote from: LubOlimex on June 02, 2021, 10:20:27 AMNo need to worry about that - the Ethernet-related pins are not led out to the extension connector. They go directly from the ESP32 chip to the Ethernet chip. You can't access them easily.

Great to know! Thank you. Then may I ask what the EMAC labels are for?


It is a module with a lot of multiplexing. The pins have a number of functions, having label means that they can be used for that purpose, but they can also be used for one of the other functions.

The different functions are taken from the Wroom datasheet here:


Look in the pin defition's table on page 11.
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex