How to select Analog Audio on A20-OLinuXino-MICRO ?

Started by dywen, September 03, 2014, 06:19:04 PM

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--- using A20-OLinuXino-MICRO
--- Latest Debian image provided by Olimex

PROBLEM: I cannot get audio to play through the analog out with the usual methods

- choosing analog out in alsamixer does not change anything

- Even when doing cat /proc/asound/cards sunxi is first -> the sound does not play through the analog out, but it does play through the speakers of the hdmi projector I use it with

- /etc/modprobe.d/sound is empty

--> I got the analog sound to work by renaming (thus deleting) /etc/asound.conf
But this is very drastic & unpractical (editing it did not make a difference)

--> Are there more elegant solutions for this?

For the rest: Great board! I even connected a usb microscope to it - works like a charm



modify /etc/asound.conf for "pcm.dmixer" according to:

- hw:1,0 = HDMI sound
- hw:0,0 = analog sound


Quote from: rouvas on September 05, 2014, 12:15:54 PM
modify /etc/asound.conf for "pcm.dmixer" according to:

- hw:1,0 = HDMI sound
- hw:0,0 = analog sound

Thank you very much. It helped me to get analog sound working.
If somebody else has the same problem: Also look in the alsamixer and play with the options there - at least you have to enable "Playback" and I think disable something like "Master mute".