Active Electrode Use

Started by kcs15, January 14, 2013, 03:41:46 AM

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I purchased the active EEG electrodes from Olimex and am wondering about their construction and application. Are they ready to go "out of the box" or do I need to modify them before use? Do I need to solder silver rods to the board? How are they affixed to the scalp?

Thank you.


Hey there,

I find it the most practical by placing them under a stretching headband. There is a picture in this guide by our customer Ross (rossquaresmini in the forum):

They work out of the box, no need to modify anything. You can find more information about how do they work at the following address (there are schematics available and source files, if you want to make them yourself):

Best regards,
Technical support and documentation manager at Olimex